Start-up firms should spend 10 minutes discussing and recalling the case studies from other teams and begin to identify at least THREE emerging themes that were common across many or all of the presentations.
Teams should produce a ONE slide presentation that prioritises and describes THREE emerging themes.
Teams will almost certainly identify their own themes, but some starting themes may include:
**Oscillating popularity over time of favoured approach.** The popularity of different technical approaches could varying over time, depending on various factors. For example, exploiting algorithmic errors in encryption may have been favoured historically, before progressing on to favouring exploitation of implementation errors.
**Popularity of favoured category approach varies by context.** The popularity of different technical approaches could varying between different countries or domains. For example, exploiting administrative errors may be favoured for the financial sector.
**Platform influences popularity of favoured category approach.** The favoured technical approach for undermining encryption could be influenced by a specific platform or service. For example, exploiting an implementation error in encryption may be favoured for messaging services.